School Social Skills Complete Kit

School Social Skills Complete Kit

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by Laura J. Brown, Donald D. Black, & John C. Downs
© 1988


Grades 1-12

Kit includes Manual and Rating Form (50)

School Social Skills (S3) is a criterion-referenced instrument designed to assist school personnel, specifically classroom teachers, in identifying student strengths and deficits in school-related social behaviors. The S3 provides an inventory of a student’s ability to apply the skills necessary to meet with success in school settings and for eventual success in employment settings. The 40-item scale of observable prosocial skills has been socially validated and determined to be important for students’ school success in the areas of Adult Relations, Peer Relations, School Rules, and Classroom Behaviors.

Special education teachers will find the S3 and accompanying manual to be extremely valuable in the development and monitoring of social behavior goals on their students’ Individualized Education Plans.