Teacher's Resource Guide-Fourth Edition

Teacher's Resource Guide

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Fourth Edition

The Staff Development Guide to the Most Common Learning and Behavior Problems Encountered in the Educational Environment

by Stephen B. McCarney & Kathy Cummins Wunderlich
Edited by Samm N. House
© 2014

ISBN: 978-1-7379654-5-9

SKU 02125


Companion Products 
00672 Intervention Strategies Documentation Form (25) $40.00 Add to Cart
00687 Learning and Behavior Problem Checklist (25) $49.00 Add to Cart

687 Pages/Paperback


When you need the answer to “What do you do with a student when . . . ?,” turn to the Teacher’s Resource Guide-Fourth Edition for solutions. It is one of the most comprehensive resources of its kind and includes the 250 most common learning and behavior problems encountered in the classroom. There is an extensive list of intervention strategies to choose from for each of the behaviors.

The Teacher’s Resource Guide-Fourth Edition, developed by educators for educators, is being used by school districts nationwide. Also included is a CD with the reproducible appendix pages in PDF format.

The Intervention Strategies Documentation Form provides a written record to place in the student’s file to document problem areas and interventions implemented. It is used with all pre-referral checklists in this catalog.

The Learning and Behavior Problem Checklist provides a format for identifying behaviors in need of intervention.

The TRG-4 is also marketed nationally under the title Pre-Referral Intervention Manual-Fourth Edition (PRIM-4) with current use in public and private schools, colleges, and universities.